• Umwelt
  • Kinder
  • Diversität
  • Generationen
  • Freizeit
  • Bildung
  • Beruf
  • Familie

Our forum and network – How do we work together?

The Child and Youth Welfare Association – AGJ is a network of youth welfare institutions, organisations and associations acting at federal level. The AGJ’s highest decision-making organ s the General Assembly (as a rule meeting annually).

The AGJ Management Board, which meets five times a year, comprises the Executive Board – as specified in the German Civil Code – with three members from the AGJ member organisations, as well as five individuals working in youth welfare who are similarly elected by the AGJ General Assembly, and two or three board members from each AGJ membership group, elected by them and ratified by the AGJ General Assembly. In principle, the AGJ Management Board advises on youth policy issues and key issues in child and youth welfare and its further development.

The formation and organisation of youth policy and expert advisory bodies forms one main plank of the work of the Child and Youth Welfare Association – AGJ. Aside from association committees and advisory bodies (General Assembly, Management Board, Executive Board), the Child and Youth Welfare Association – AGJ sets up specialist Working Committees on the key tasks and areas of action in child and youth welfare.

At present, the AGJ has Working Committees named after and dealing with the following areas:

  • organisational, financial and legal issues,
  • child and youth (welfare) policy in Europe,
  • qualification, research, specialists,
  • childhood and family,
  • youth issues,
  • social-educational services, provision of assistance for children/families with problems.

To fulfil its tasks as specified in its articles of association, the AGJ operates an office structured to reflect the specialist fields and fields of action. The AGJ office is responsible for the operative level and, at the same time, functions as an interface between the expert communication and cooperation in the AGJ Working Committees and in other advisory bodies – which work on behalf of the AGJ Management Board – and the expert and youth policy positions supported by the General Assembly or AGJ Management Board on fundamental issues and current concerns in youth welfare.

The content and concept of the specialised (youth) policy work in the Child and Youth Welfare Association – AGJ and its advisory bodies and office ensures transparency and a regular flow of information on the results of discussions and consultations, and of policy positions.

The chairs of the AGJ Working Committees are permanent guests at the AGJ Management Board. Working Committee members are regularly informed about the Management Board's resolutions and decisions, and are provided with details on the key discussion topics and consultations within the other Working Committees.

The communication within the AGJ office is characterised by a regular and constant exchange of information and expertise between the staff members, the Executive Management and external experts.