• Umwelt
  • Kinder
  • Diversität
  • Generationen
  • Freizeit
  • Bildung
  • Beruf
  • Familie

Our budget – How do we finance our activities?

The AGJ budget and financial planning are based on the allocation of funds from the Child and Youth Plan of the Federation (KJP), membership subscriptions and other income. The core of AGJ’s infrastructure funding and financing is an agreement on funding and cooperation between the Federal Government (Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth – BMFSFJ) and the AGJ.

The funding agreement guarantees the infrastructure of the AGJ office and the performance of AGJ’s tasks as specified in its articles of association. In addition to this medium-term provision of funding, the AGJ occasionally organises other projects, such as for example the German Child and Youth Welfare Congresses, as well as bilateral or multilateral activities. The AGJ obtains other income from the areas of publications, the ‘FORUM Jugendhilfe’ journal, and specialist conferences. As the founder of the German Child and Youth Welfare Prize, the Federal-State Authorities Responsible for Child and Youth Welfare provide longer-term funding for the prize.